- AGE REQUIREMENT: 18+: All players must be 18 years or older in order to be able to compete in our leagues. Captains are responsible for knowing if their players are old enough to play in our leagues. Any team found with an underage player(s) on the field will have the player in question removed from their roster immediately as well as a one game suspension issued to the team captain for the following game.
- WAIVERS: All players MUST complete a waiver prior to participation in any PlayMore sporting event. The waiver can be completed online or a hard-copy of the waiver can be downloaded and turned into a PlayMore representative prior to the first scheduled game.
- ONLINE ROSTERS: Captains are responsible for submitting the full name and email address of each player on their roster. Please log onto your account and add or invite all players to your roster so they can be eligible for the playoffs. It is the responsibility of the captain to check, update, and edit their roster to make sure it is up to date.
- ROSTER SIZE: The social and recreational leagues will have no limit on their roster size.
- ROSTER CHECKS: Rosters checks will not be preformed/honored in Social Leagues.
League Policies
- AGE REQUIREMENT: 18+: All players must be 18 years or older in order to be able to compete in our leagues. Captains are responsible for knowing if their players are old enough to play in our leagues. Any team found with an underage player(s) on the field will have the player in question removed from their roster immediately as well as a one game suspension issued to the team captain for the following game.
- ONLINE ROSTERS: Captains are responsible for submitting the full name and email address of each player on their roster. Please log onto your account and add or invite all players to your roster so they can be eligible for the playoffs. It is the responsibility of the captain to check, update, and edit their roster to make sure it is up to date.
- WAIVERS: All players MUST complete a waiver prior to participation in any PlayMore sporting event. The waiver can be completed online or a hard-copy of the waiver can be downloaded and turned into a PlayMore representative prior to the first scheduled game.
- ADD/DROPS: Players may be added or dropped from the roster up until the roster deadline, which will be noted on the league schedule. All roster additions or drops must be submitted to the PlayMore office in writing. Roster changes will not be accepted at league games or over the phone. Any player who plans to participate in the second half of the season and playoffs must appear on the roster. Teams must also have the minimum number of players required to field a team, your team will NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE PLAYOFFS. Please do not ask us to make roster exceptions after the deadline – we will not budge on this.
- ROSTER CHECKS: Starting with the first game after the roster deadline, all players will be required to bring photo ID’s to each game. If you feel a team has an illegal player, you must notify us via text message on the emergency line (609-878-0234) prior to the start of the game. Once a game has been started, roster checks can no longer be honored unless a player arrives to a game late. Please note, both teams will automatically be roster checked should a request be made.
- MULTIPLE LEAGUES: Players may not be listed or participate on two rosters within the same division. Players are allowed to play in different divisions or different conferences. Teams are also not allowed to pick up and play for other teams within the same division on the same day. Prior to the roster deadline, you can play for the team of your choice providing you only play for one team in that division for that calendar week of games. After the roster deadline, you may only play for team for the rest of the season in each division you are signed up for. PlayMore reserves the right to sanction teams and players accordingly for violations of this rule. Should you need to notify us of a player that is violation of this, please text our emergency line during the game (609-878-0234). Once the game is over, the outcome is final.
- LEAGUE ASSIGNMENT: In leagues where we offer multiple skill levels of play, PlayMore reserves the right to move a team up or down a level prior to the start of the season based on your team’s roster. PlayMore also reserves the right to remove playoff eligibility from teams that intentionally or maliciously play down a level.
- SEASON SCHEDULING: The schedule for the season will be posted no later than one week prior to the start of the season. PlayMore will make every effort to accommodate a scheduling requests that are submitted to us. We do give higher priority to requests from teams that are first paid in full.
- PLAYOFF SCHEDULES: The playoff schedule for the league will be posted one week prior to the beginning of the season. Please take note of all scheduled playoff games. While you can submit a scheduling request for the Playoffs, please note that we cannot always honor these. For that reason, please be well aware of the playoff schedule from the beginning of the season.
- SCHEDULING REQUESTS: Scheduling requests can be made at the time of registration and up to the release of the schedules for that particular season. PlayMore will try to honor all requests as much as possible, although we do give priority to teams that pay in full first. Starting in Fall 2014, once the schedules have been released PlayMore will not be able to accommodate any in-season schedule changes.
- LEAGUE SCHEDULES: Please note that you can view both your team schedule and the league schedule. Due to the way our software works, the playoff schedule will only show up on the league schedule page. Please make sure you reference both schedules during the season. PlayMore provides game day reminder texts and email reminders of the games as a courtesy. It is the responsibility of each team to know their schedule for the season.
- PAYMENT: Umpires must be paid prior to the start of the game. Umpires reserve the right to cancel/forfeit game play due to non-payment. See league specific rule book for actual umpire costs.
- DISPUTES FOR SOCIAL LEAGUES: Players in Social Leagues are expected to not contest or argue any calls. Umpires are provided to assist the players in game play and rules.
- DISPUTES FOR COMPETITIVE LEAGUES: Any calls made by the umpire that are contested on the field may only be done so by the captain (it is expected that captains carry themselves respectably when doing so). No other player may enter into a dispute with the umpire.
- RULES: If there are questions that arise regarding a league rule, captains must refer to their “League Rules” for clarification. If the issue is not a league rule, then the umpire has the final say.
- REPORTING GAMES SCORES: It is the responsibility of the captain of the winning team to report the score from their game/match. If scores are not reported in a reasonable time, PlayMore will score the game/match as a tie until it is reported correctly.
- MANAGING ROSTERS: The captain is solely responsible for making sure their roster is up to date. PlayMore will help teams update and change their roster (and such changes must be submitted to us in writing), but it is up to the captain to make sure that all player names are listed and spelled correctly and that no one is missing from their roster. Once the roster deadline has passed, we will not be able to make changes to your roster. This is a firm rule – we will not budge.
- RULES: If there are questions that arise regarding a league rule, captains must refer to their “League Rules” for clarification. If the issue is not a league rule, then the umpire has the final say. Captains are responsible for ensuring that all players know and abide by league rules.
- CONDUCT: Captains will be held responsible for the actions of their players.
- LANGUAGE: Foul language is discouraged, however, the umpire/referee/league official(s) have the authority to make judgment calls regarding profanity and player conduct.
- BEHAVIOR: Players are expected to act civilly towards other players spectators, our staff, and the staff that maintains the facility that we are playing at.
- ZERO TOLERANCE RULE: Fighting, defamation of character, aggressive behavior, and unsportsmanlike conduct is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Violators will be under review by the PlayMore team and may be subject to suspensions or permanent expulsion.
- SUSPENSIONS, PROBATION, or EJECTION: PlayMore reserves the right to impose disciplinary actions against any individual or group who intentionally circumvents the rules of player conduct and/or the spirit of fair play and sportsmanship. Disciplinary actions could include, but are not limited to the following: Individual game suspensions, multiple game suspensions, season long suspensions, probation, or permanent expulsion from all PlayMore activities.
- See specific league rules books for more details rules and information.
- WEATHER CANCELLATIONS: In the event that the facility is closed due to inclement weather, PlayMore will notify the captains of each team. It is the responsibility of captains to pass along cancellation information to teammates.
- WHEN DO WE CANCEL: Decisions on cancellations occur approximately 60-90 minutes prior to the first scheduled game of the day/evening. Please check Facebook and Twitter, as both will be updated in the event of any cancellations.
- DO WE PLAY IN RAIN? Please always assume that all games are on unless otherwise contacted. PlayMore leagues do play in inclement weather, so as long as there is no lighting present please do assume that your game will be taking place.
- FEES: PlayMore takes numerous steps to prevent forfeits. In the unlikely event of a forfeit, the forfeiting team will be responsible for the ENTIRE (both teams) referee/umpire fees. This fee must be submitted prior to the forfeiting team’s next scheduled game.
- MULTIPLE FORFEIT PENALTY: If a team forfeits twice in a season, the team will be immediately removed from the league and will NOT be issued a refund.
- GRACE PERIOD: Teams will have until 10 minutes after the scheduled start time to come up with the minimum number of players required to start the game. Teams that excessively abuse this rule will receive an official warning from the league.
- PLAYOFF ELIGIBLE: In order to be eligible for the playoffs, your team must be 100% paid in full and have submitted a roster according to the roster deadlines stated as stated above. Any team that has an outstanding balance or has not submitted a final roster that fails to meet the minimum amount of required players will not be able to participate in the playoffs.
- TIEBREAKERS: In the result of a tie, we will use the following tie breaker system to determine a winner. In the case of a multiple team tie (3 or more teams), the tie breaker will be used to determine one winner. Once a winner has been determined, we will start the tie breaking process all over again with the remaining teams that are tied. Tiebreakers will be sorted in the following order via the criteria listed below:*
- Forfeits – In the case of a tie, any teams that have a forfeit on record for the season will move to the back of the tie breaker scenario. If three or more teams are tied for the least amount of forfeits, the next step will be used (only teams tied with the least amount of forfeits will move onto the next step). A forfeit in this case is considered an unplayed game during the regular season.
- Head to head match-up: If two or more teams are tied, PlayMore will attempt to break the tie using Head to Head matchups to determine a clear winner of the group.
- Points/Runs/Goals Against
- Point/Runs/Goals Differential
- Points/Runs/Goals Scored
*PlayMore reserves the right to adjust the tiebreakers if circumstances dictate. PlayMore representatives have the final say in playoff standings
- Alcohol is PROHIBITED on the playing field/court and during play of all PlayMore events.
- In order to receive your T-Shirts for the start of the season, your team must submit all shirt sizes needed prior to the end of Registration.
- In order for your shirts to be picked up at the PlayMore Seasonal Open House your team will need to be 100% paid in full
There are two types of registration fees offered:
- FULL TEAM FEE: This is for teams that would like to have one player pay for the entire squad. Full Team Fees qualify for Early Bird Discounted Pricing, Regular, and/or Late Pricing depending on when the full balance is paid.
- INDIVIDUAL/DIVIDED FEE: This is for Free Agent Players that would like to pay just for themselves or for teams that wish to have all of the players on their team pay individually.
- In order for your team to be placed on the schedule, your team must be 100% paid in full.
Office Phone: 856-809-2688 / Office Fax: 856-809-2698
After Hours/Text Line/Roster Check: 609-878-0234
Email Address: [email protected]
Website: www.PlayMoreSJ.com
*PlayMore reserves the right to make adjustments to the official rules as necessary.